Minggu, 17 April 2016

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Passive Voice

1.     Past perfect tense
Active voice: Subject + had + past participle form of the verb + object
Passive voice: Object of the active sentence + had + been + past participle form of the
verb + by + subject of the active sentence

Example :
Active: I had never experienced such difficulty.
Passive: Such difficulty had never been experienced by me.

Active: I had not listened to him.
Passive: He had not been listened to by me.

2.     Future Continuous Tense
So, the formula used to make the Passive Voice in Present Future Continuous Tense is as follows:
S + Will/ Shall + Be + Being + V3
To Be used to make sentences in Tense Passive Voice is "Be + Being".
Active :
I shall be writting a short story if you come to my house at 4 o'clock this afternoon. (Saya akan sedang menulis sebuah Cerpen jika kamu datang ke rumahku jam 4 sore ini)
They will be learning english at 9 o'clock next Monday. (Mereka akan sedang belajar bahasa Inggris pada jam 9 senin depan).

Passive :
A short story will be being written by me if you come to my house at 4 o'clock this afternoon.(Sebuah Cerpen akan sedang ditulis oleh saya jika kamu datang ke rumahku jam 4 sore ini)
English will be being learned by them at 9 o'clock next Monday. (Bahasa Inggris akan sedang dipelajari oleh mereka pada jam 9 senin depan).

3.     Future Past Tense
So, the formula used to make the Passive Voice in Future Past Tense is as follows:
S + Would Be + V3

Example sentences manufacture Passive Voice in positive form:
Active :
They would learn English.
We would buy a dictionary

Passive :
English would be learned by them.
A dictionary would be bought by us

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